Friday, August 1, 2014

The Final Days

We’ve hit our final weekend mark and I’m already thinking about all the things I’m going to miss about this place. I feel like that I’ve learned that, generally, people will always want to be where they are not. Human beings tend to want what they do not have, and the grass always seems greener on the other side. What does this say about our capability to be happy…to feel satisfied…or to make decisions based on what we think we want and not what we need? Maybe, though, this is just a simple case of wanderlust? I’ve never really used that word before. After some research, on the topic of wanderlust-ing, I believe it to be more of a simple desire and need to see the world rather than never feeling satisfied in a current condition.

Are people who always strive for more more like animals then? Do they graze through life picking at grass here and there, only to migrate their way onto another field or into another location where the grass is greener?

Maybe I was meant to be a cow. Cows are rather large though, so maybe a hedgehog or a field mouse would be more like it.


1 comment:

  1. Didn't know you used to update on blogspot.

    Maybe you were meant to be a bird. Birds migrate pretty far.

