Thursday, June 26, 2014

Something To Be Said

There is something to be said about living somewhere vs. actually vacationing at a place.  I am not try to discount the beauty or appeal of a place, but it is much different to live in Hawaii than to vacation here.
Let’s take a look at some of the statistics (in my un-professional opinion, at least):
- It rains here everyday.  And that’s not an exaggeration.  Going from California to where we were in a serious drought to Hawaii where wetness is a daily occurrence has been strange.  At first it was comforting, then it turned depressing, and now I’m getting more used to it.rainy hilo
- Things are expensive.  Like, ridiculously.  I don’t know how people support themselves over here without food stamps unless they are a professional of some sort.  Milk is almost $8 a gallon, applies are at least $2 a piece, and cereal is almost $7 a box.  Really?….really….?
- I miss Dewey.
- I get to see J everyday, even if it’s just for a few hours in the evening. 4 years of long distance has been 3.89 years too long.20140601_155845 (2)
- The pace of life is extremely slow here.  That is great because I have horrible anxiety and I’m always rushing around in my head.  It’s crazy in there, don’t try to get in.
- Independence.  Who in their 20′s doesn't want this?
- Hawaiian culture.  Something I've never before been exposed to, so everything around me is new and interesting.
It looks like the good outweighs the bad, and I’m not complaining.

1 comment:

  1. you are paying the sunshine tax (aka being in a nice place tax). thats why shit there is so expensive.
